Should I Hire an SEO Agency?
Whether you own and operate a small business or run a large company, it is important to have an effective strategy to drive traffic to your website. Having a strong online presence can strongly influence the success of your company, especially when it is done right. SEO has quickly become a leading driver in a business’s marketing strategy, especially when it comes to differentiating itself from its competitors online. Implementing an SEO strategy in the marketing process will drive long-term success for your company, businesses with a successful marketing strategy allocate on average 41% of their budget towards SEO.
Now, what is SEO, and why is it important?
SEO stands for “search engine optimization”, in simple terms it is a strategy to help your website rank higher on search engines such as Google. The more traffic your website gets, the more attention and prospective clients it will bring in. SEO is important because millions of people utilize search engines to research a company before purchasing or using their services. Successful businesses can leverage the benefits of implementing an SEO strategy to rank in front of their competitors, giving them a home-field advantage. We now know that SEO is an important strategy to increase revenue, but why hire an SEO agency?
Capitalize on Their Knowledge
Professional SEO agencies have the knowledge and expertise to intergrade strong and effective SEO to your website, not leveraging knowledge from a professional about SEO can run the risk of stunting business growth due to lack of traffic to your website. SEO goes deeper than just using the right keywords, an SEO professional understands all levels of marketing including target audience, web analytics, content and much more. SEO agencies are not only trying to increase your website’s ranking, but they are there to learn, understand and accomplish your business’s long-term goals.
You can Focus on Your Business
The thought has probably crossed your mind of “why can’t I just do it myself?”, although SEO on the outside seems like a simple task, your strategies need to constantly be evolving to keep up with search engines algorithms and trends which can take time out of your pocket and be overwhelming. Search engine optimization agencies have access to the right tools (which cost money), recourses and strategies to help your business keep up with the latest SEO changes. Search engines such as Google make 300-400 changes in their algorithm per year, some algorithm changes are undetectable while others can hurt your website rankings. Hiring someone to do your SEO work for you will save you time behind the computer and let you focus on your business.
Invest in Your Long Term Goals
Educating yourself and buying the proper tools to get your website ranking on your own is going to cost more in the long run, when you hire an SEO agency don’t think about it as “costing money” think about it as investing in your businesses future. Bringing in an SEO team will continue to monitor and optimize their strategies to keep you ranking in front of your competitors and turn traffic into revenue.
About the author
Matt Russell
Matt has been designing professional, user-friendly, and conversion-oriented websites since the beginning of time. We like to think of him as the guy who brings our clients’ visions to life.